Finally, I'm back from my vacation in Oregon and hopefully will be staying put in MA for a while. Ever since May it's been a bit hectic being away so much. I realized I've been away for a little over 6 weeks total since mid May. I feel a bit rusty at the dojo even though I kept up a practice routine but I'm sure my fellow students will get me back to speed in no time.
I had an awesome time in Oregon! I climbed mountains, walked the desert, hugged a giant redwood tree, kayaked 6 miles down some really scary yet exillerating rapids, lifted and busted big rocks, walked around in thigh high fast moving streams looking for cool rocks/gems (a good stance is handy for more than fighting it seems!) Had some great bonding time with my husband and our friends and saw some of the most beautiful landscapes I've ever seen.
The best part? I had the strength and energy to do all this stuff!!! I was amazed at how many times I did something really rigorous and wasn't tired or sore! Also another cool thing? How many times I used a technique from training in traversing the terrain. A strong balanced stance in the fast water, using tiger crawl to climb back up a steep mountainside "trail", conserving my energy and knowing when it was appropriate and how. Woohoo! What a great show of proof for myself that all the small routines and exercises really do add up!
Thanks everyone for helping me become a better martial artist and person. I look forward to seeing how much we all continue to grow in time
Favorite act of kindness gifted to me this week: My husband taking our dog for her walk when I was busy at the moment.
Favorite act of kindness this week: buying more suet for the birds