Monday, February 24, 2014

Jason Mai 2/24/14

Jason Mai

     You don't need to be good at everything, that is something that I learned first hand recently. At the beginning of my Sophomore year I had a simple mindset, be in all honors classes and do well in all of them. I was doing pretty well in my honors classes except math, for some reason I couldn't do anything about Honors Algebra 2. I had a tutor, met with my teachers and everything but could only pull off C's. I was frustrated and I asked the question that my parents always asked me "If everybody else can do it, why can't you" My family is very traditional. As a kid I always tried to please them, always tried to impress, but I knew as a kid, I was different. I didn't want to disappoint them. I remember as a child my parents enrolled me into piano lessons and damn did I suck at piano. I burned through teacher after teacher, I must of went through 2-3 different teachers for my parents to realize it wasn't for me. My father to this day guilt trips me "3 years worth of lessons wasted".

     My family is an odd one, I am first generation meaning my parents moved from China to America but I was born in America. My father to this day is still never really around, I respect my father for all he does but I disagree with some of morals and conduct. My father is a very hard worker, I barely see him which makes our relationship very hard to maintain. I always argue with him, especially now because I'm a teenager. At the end of the day though, I love him. He is my dad, I don't always agree with his morals but I respect him, especially coming from China, working odd jobs and having to adapt and overcome in America. Because of my father I get to live in a nice town, with nice people, typing on a nice computer without having to worry about where I'll get my next meal. Because of the struggles my dad faced, I can't be too mad at him when we argue.

     I love my mom though, she's always been there for me. My mom would fight on my side, when my dad hated me. My mom supports me through everything, from my decision to quit piano to wanting to start martial arts to wanting to get into the film biz as a writer. I truly believe my mom is the anchor of the house, and why we can function as a family. She keeps me in place, and she as hell keeps my dad in place!

     Wow I get off topic easily, ummm... right, you don't need to be a good at everything, it's true. I am not good at math, I am not good at chem but guess what? That's fine. We as humans are all good at different things and school is not to get amazing at everything but to seek out what you are passionate about and what you are willing to spend your time doing. I'm pretty sure it was Albert Einstein who said this, but I'm not sure. It is something along these lines "If you judge a fish on it's ability to climb, it will grow up believing it is stupid" This year I found what I loved, and everything else just seemed not as important. I found script writing. I always knew as a kid I wasn't what my parents wanted me to be, I couldn't be a doctor, or a lawyer or a dentist. It didn't sit well with me having to conform to those standards. I was a creative child, I always enjoyed writing, I remember writing little stories on my computer and everywhere. I also knew I loved movies, I loved how a good movie could leave that feeling in your stomach, or connect you with people who aren't real. Through my years I've struggled on what I wanted to be, until I took script to screen. A class where you go through the process of making a film, from script writing, to production and camera work. When we started, I knew that was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I know it will be hard, and every day I doubt myself, but there is not a day that goes by where I don't think about how amazing it would be to become a scriptwriter. At the end of the day, I truly believe I could succeed, and I am willing to lose it all for that chance.

     The point of this post is you don't need to be good at everything, I always thought the value of a person consisted on how many things they could do well, and I fought to be good at everything in life. I tried to be the smartest, I tried to be the most creative, the most funny, the most liked, the most athletic, fastest, strongest...but at the end of the day, the value of a person is the ability to find happiness and being yourself is the best way to find happiness, to find what makes you happy.

Thanks for reading.

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