Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Jake Mending Relationship Blog Post May 27, 2014

In this blog post, I will be describing how I mended a broken relationship I had with a good friend of mine. About 4 months ago, a relationship I was in with someone ended, and in the process, some rude and offensive phrases were said, mainly from me. A month ago, I contacted this person via email and began conversing with her once again. After I asked how she was doing, I proceeded to give her a detailed apology for my actions and the words and phrases I had said to her during the breakup. Thankfully, she saw that I meant the apology and accepted it. We then went on to become friends again and have been talking every week since then to this day!

On a side note, I wanted to apologize and mend a broken relationship with this blog, for I have been lacking on my blogging requirement once again. I have just been considerably busy recently. After the MCAS testing next week, I'll be more available to blog. Till next week!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Jason Mai 5/26/14

Jason Mai

     Yesterday I went hiking with people from my school that I don't normally hang out with. I really enjoyed getting to know them, laughing with them and sharing memories with them. They're my Peru group, the people i'm going to Peru with, going to remote villages high up in the mountains and stuff. What I experienced yesterday is what life should be like, what I mean by that is just how stupid cliques are and grouping people into categories, people should not be referred to as nerds, losers, jocks etc etc, we all are human, we shouldn't judge each other because we don't understand each other. Yesterday was an example of that, I was hanging out with people I didn't really know, I was struggling and sharing experiences with people I didn't really know, but I enjoyed them. I wish I could be friends with everyone in school, I wish I could connect with everybody and make everyone happy and make them laugh but life just isn't like that huh, people aren't all nice to each other, and its sad.
     Today I learned that I'm a super vulnerable person, and I guess I'm okay with it, I learned it kinda is part of being human but it sucks, I'm really bad at opening up to people because I'm scared, scared of being rejected, scared of the lack of control. I'm better with it now, but it can be hard. I was just thinking about this because of this Ted Talk, its very deep and connects with me on many levels its awesome.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Olivia Blog Post for week of 5/11

Olivia Blog Post for week of 5/11

So today I want to talk about something that has happened to me and another friend who is a martial artist (Not at RMF, her father teaches her.)  Actually, I take that back.  I really don’t want to talk about it at all, because it makes me mad and is embarrassing, but think that I should.

What happened to me is that I got some really inappropriate texts from a phone number I didn’t know, although I figured out who it was.  (Like, suspended from school level of inappropriate if the school ever found out.)
What happened to my friend is that she was downtown with friends and a guy made inappropriate gestures to her.  (same level of inappropriateness.)

So that is basically gender-based discrimination, and it bothered us both as martial artists because here we have been training for years and years to be independent and take care of ourselves, and something like this happens and it becomes blindingly clear that some things you can’t defend yourself against, and that just makes me mad.  I couldn’t just march up to the kid who texted me and punch him the next time I saw him, because it happened over vacation and I didn’t see him for days.  And my friend was so startled that she just turned and walked away and she was so mad and scared because it didn’t even occur to her to use martial arts on him. She felt helpless, and it really shook her sense of security and confidence.
 And even worse, other guys that are friends, and were with the perpetrators at both events didn’t really stand up for us as friends. I thought that I’d earned some respect from some of these people and so did my friend, but these acts showed me that all was not as I thought it was.
Although really, how can we really train to defend ourselves against some dude who thinks sexting is funny? It’s not, it’s degrading and demeaning and disrespectful, and the only thing I can do is turn off my phone and walk away, and that makes me feel weak. And I hate that.
And worse, no matter how well I am trained, some guys are going to be big and strong enough that it doesn’t make a difference and I am still vulnerable. 

It takes away an illusion of safety.  And I hate that, too. I hate the thought that I could lose any street fight, it really bothers me. So anyway, this is my post. See y’all next week.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Jason Mai 5/20/14

Jason Mai

Another living hero I believe is a man named Nick Vujicic, a man who was born in Australia with no arms or legs yet he has a life filled with joy and accomplishments. Nick's story is one of the most inspiring ones yet, Nick doesn't have arms or legs but he works around it, and he lives life to his fullest and it is amazing. I watch a video of him talking about bullying, and his take on it. Nick talks to this school about bullying and about how standing up for yourself is the strongest thing and how love and happiness is a universal language. Nick makes me question my actions, makes me think about do those words hurt them, how they effect other people. Nick's life reminds me that I have no excuse, he reminds me to be kinder to people, Nick showed me love without limits.

Check him out if you haven't he's amazing and real and genuine

-Jason Mai

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Progress! Chelsea H.

Yes! Today I decided to do a test run to see if I was able to do my set goal of pushups from the physical assessment (1 full, 15 half, 10 knees, 1 min) and I did with 9 seconds to spare! Woohoooo! The only drawback was I think I was forgetting to breathe so when I was done I was dizzy, out of breath and a little shakey. I will have to be more mindful of my breathing while exercising.

Some other great news! I went for my first training run with a friend this week on some trails. Like the pushups I really need to work on my breathing. Learn how to focus and control it. I have not figured out how I am going to accomplish this yet, maybe practice? I think I may seek guidance.

Favorite act of kindness performed this week: staying busy nursing my sick husband and dog back to health.

Favorite act of kindness gifted to me this week: my friend taking time to invite me on a run and patiently teach me.

Jason Mai 5/11/14

Jason Mai

     Today I've been thinking a lot about family, because it's mothers day. I love my family, I hate them too. I hate how my dad is never there for me when I need him, I hate how he works so much, I hate how because of that I never see him, I hate how he has to go to Korea for a business trip and he has to miss the film festival and my film that I worked on all year. I hate how my mom got laid off because of her lack of English, I hate how her health is going down the drain. I hate my grandma who can't hear me, who doesn't make any sense that I use to be close with and I feel like we slowly slip away. I hate my alcoholic uncle who doesn't do anything with his life, but mostly I hate myself. I hate how I don't appreciate my mom, or my dad. I hate how I don't appreciate everything they do for me, how much they've dealt with me, and how they took care of me for so long. I hate how I bully my sister and my mom needs to deal with it. It kills me when my mom talks about when she passes away if I'll be able to take care of myself, It kills me having them worry about me, it kills me when they worry about me, worry about if I'll make it in life. All I want to do is to make them proud, make my dad proud, make them understand I'm not a failure, that I can do something with life, that I want more than what they have. I just wish they understand that I do love them, and they mean the world to me, because in the end they are family, they are blood.

     When growing up I thought all I've wanted was to be normal, to be like the rest of the kids, but as I grow up I understand I am different, and my culture is different and instead of pushing that away like I did before, I embrace it. Maybe no one will really understand, but the ones who can are the ones I keep close. I love you mom and dad.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Olivia Blog post week of May 4

HEEEELLLOOOO  ALLLL!!!! I have had a good week, but boy, am I tired! Let me explain.  I had school on Monday, and we canoed and biked to school. Then on Tuesday we cannoed/biked again, then I had school and met with my math tutor (because  I’m taking honors math, and god do I wish I wasn't.)(Ignore that, I’m just griping) then karate. On Wednesday I had a half day, but I stayed out with my friends running around town until 3:00. Then I went to karate and practiced my fan form  for half an hour.(Update: the tournament is the 18th! Coming up!!) Then I did homework. On Thursday I had MCAS. Enough said. I also had MCAS on Friday, then  a cappella group practice. We are singing at the State House next Friday and I don’t think we’re ready. We have an extra rehearsal next week and I still am not sure that will be enough.
 Afterwards I had a giant meeting at my house with my church confirmation group. We discussed God and faith and what we each believe in as a first step in writing a Statement of Faith, which is our personal ideas about what is important to us when it comes to religion. Then we drove out to UMass Amherst to watch my cousin graduate on Saturday.  And the Bruins won! Whoop!

So that is my week, and that is why I am tired.*Yawn* That’s my weekly update. I’m going to bed now. See you next week.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Jason Mai 5/6/14

Jason Mai

     Today I think I will talk about influence and how I view influence in my life. I believe it is important to surround yourself with positive people because life is better with good people around you. Having supporting friends, family, mentors etc around you can help with your life and goals, holding you responsible and encouraging you to do your best. For me, these people include my family, my script to screen teacher, sensei Paul, and some friends. Other things the people around you can do for you is make you happy. They can bring joy, connection, laughter all things related to happiness.

     Now lets talk about bad influences, bad influential people are people who take and never give back, they are people who put you down, you aren't and shouldn't be your friends. These are people you need to take away from your life, because they do you no good. I hate using those terms though, how certain people provide you with certain perks. Which leads me to my next topic.

     Angles, a term I've heard recently and I ABSOLUTELY HATE, someone recently told me that everyone has their "angle" what that means is that each person has certain perks if you play them right. A form of mind games, and I see it in certain people as well. There are people you can friend to get rides, to get free food, etc etc. There are certain ways you can play people to make them do certain things, and I hate that. However it is absolutely true, and I feel like we do it subconsciously, which is messed up. You treat that kid a certain way so he doesn't talk to you, you talk to that kid just so you can get his snack, I feel like we are in a generation where real friends are a hard thing to find, and finding one is something you should never ever take for granted. Also people change, people will use you, people will take advantage. People suck.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Self doubt, self talk. Chelsea H.

Some of my big flaws that I have to be mindful to catch and avoid are self doubt and negative self talk. Sometimes as I train I catch myself thinking negative self talk (that kick was terrible, you are weak because you can't do as many pushups, etc...) I do my best not to believe my thoughts and self correct them in a positive manner. Although I find it really important to look at my training and exercise routines closely and seek improvement I find it equally important to look back at where I started and how much I have accomplished.

I still have not heard back from my old college roommate who I tried to make amends with. I feel maybe the address was incorrect. I will talk with Sensei Paul to see if I need to reach out to someone else.

After helping a fellow student this afternoon practice her purple belt requirements I felt downtrodden as some of the material i did not realize at the time I was teaching her incorrectly. Luckily Sensei Paul was there and able to clarify my mistakes. I worry that in my practicing with her I have mixed her up on those techniques. My self talk got the best of me as I bashed myself for forgetting material that I showed knowledge in for my current rank a year ago. As a result of today I decided that this week I am going to make a list of every technique I know along with each move verifying that they are correct with higher rank students and use it as a guide for more structured practice.

I have started reading "Savor" this week and will update as I finish.

My favorite act of kindness this week: helping a friend practice
My favorite act of kindness I received: my husband taking the day off work to take care of me when I got my tooth pulled Friday.

Chelsea H.