Sunday, March 2, 2014

Impact of kindness. Chelsea H.

Tonight I find myself in deep thought and somber mood. Before I began writing this post I read and reflected upon my team mate Owen's post regarding last years Alabama buildvention. He spoke about being grateful of the riches of having access to basic needs,I could not agree more. It reminded me of some aid I assisted with in the 'ward' areas of Houston, hungry people, dilapidated houses all while fearing getting shot from the heavy gang activity. So much turmoil and strife, starvation, violence, illness in our communities, our nation and the world. People have been volunteering and aiding others for many years, there are thousands of charities and organisations seeking to improve our world in their own way but still people continue to struggle. Does this mean our good works are in vain? That no matter how hard we try we will never put a dent in the suffering of mankind? My opinion is no, and heres why. Even one drop of water will dilute the paint, every single act of kindness WILL make an impact maybe to the person receiving it, a person seeing it or you! Sometimes you may never know just how much even something that seemed small can be huge to that person. Perseverance my friends and may your kindness be like ripples in a pond.

On to progress of goals. I finally completed the letter to send out to my old college roommate to attempt a mend of our relationship. I am really nervous about what will happen but maybe slipping that letter in the post will be instant catharsis for years of guilt,the attempt at a new start.

My favorite act of kindness this week was being there for a friend who needed advice and a listening ear. My favorite act of kindness done to me was my husband surprising me when he came home with a rose and a small cactus.

Thanks for your time.
Chelsea Hughes

1 comment:

  1. Very true, It isn't always about doing, It's about trying. Imagine how bad things would be If no one cared
