Jason Mai
This blog post I want to talk about self defense, and what self defense means to me. Now we always talk about self defense in class as eating right, treating your body right etc etc. But today I want to talk about real self defense, physical self defense from an attacker with intent to cause harm to you. Now when I talk about this subject with people, people always think I'm paranoid, think I'm crazy, but at the end of the day, it is a thousand times better to think of these things before and have them, instead of dealing with them later. I would rather have thought of what to do if someone came at me with a knife instead of after I have just been stabbed and hospitalized, I know what you are thinking right now, that is crazy talk. It might be, but it's talk that will keep me alert and bring me back home to my family and friends.
The first thing people will say about self defense that I always hear from people is "You will never need to use it, you live in Wayland." When people say that I kinda go, "Yup, you are right buuuut" firstly you don't always stay in Wayland, what if you go to that concert in Cambridge? another that is that because we live in a world, where anything can happen, at any time, to anyone. I might live in a good neighborhood, and yes my chances of having to defend myself is slim but guess what, there was a murder a few years ago on my street. A man killed his girlfriend with a knife, it was a hate crime. These are the things that keep me on edge, because we do live in a dangerous world that many seem to forget.
The few things I think of in self defense situations are, intent, alertness, fitness, and how far you are willing to go.
First thing is intent, if someone attacks you, you must have 100% intent in achieving your goal, no matter what it may be. It can be as easy as intent to run away, to as extreme as the intent of taking someone's life. You don't have to like it, in fact you shouldn't like it, but if it needs to be done, it needs to be done. Now this may seem harsh and brutal, but wait until I talk about how far you are willing to go, before you judge.
Second thing in self defense situations you need to know is awareness (alertness). Is the guy sitting next to you uneasy, how is that guy looking at you as you take money out of the ATM. Basically awareness was pretty well summarized in the article about the girl who got stabbed. The few things I do to keep myself aware are simple, first identify your location, know where you are, know where certain places are if you need to run. This is good even if you don't need to defend yourself, just so you don't get hit by a car. Next you should identify people around you, is someone following you? Does someone look nervous? Do you hear shouting? Identify any threat, and be ready for it. Don't have headphones in, don't be checking your phone, but also don't be giving the potential attacker reason to think you are dangerous.
Third thing is fitness, if you can't strike your way out of a wet paper bag you are done for. I don't care how trained you are, or how many YouTube videos you have watched. If you don't have intent and fitness you will not survive. Can you fight someone after having to run? Can you take on multiple opponents if needed? Can you survive a 5 minute fight with someone? Most will think "Oh I can do that, it's easy" but no, anyone who has ever been put in one of these high stress situations when you need to deal with emotions, stress, thinking about what you need to do, and doing it with intent, you will be tired.
Now the last thing and probably the most controversial is how far you are willing to go. I suggest looking at your local self defense laws in the state, because yes I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6, but there is a limit and you need to recognize it. I don't want to kill a man who was just pushing me and I could of easily defused the situation however I also don't want to try to subdue a man with a knife if he can easily kill me. Once you look at your self defense laws and have a good understanding of what you can and cannot do (basically common sense) then start with a plan. Think of scenarios and how far are you willing to go? If someone is trying to kill you with a knife? If someone is trying to beat you with a stick? If someone breaks into your car? If someone has you at gunpoint. Think realistically, don't try to disarm someone with a gun to your head, if you can easily give him your money and run, it is not worth it. Self defense isn't about proving yourself, self defense is about getting home safe. It is always good to have a general understanding of how far you are willing to go, in different situations. However this does not mean to map out every single thing you do if this specific thing happens. I use to do that, but then I realized, a confrontation is always moving, it will not go your way, it will go however it wants and you must adapt. So don't see someone sketchy and be like "Okay as soon as he comes at me, I will block with my right, then come in with a jab, grab and take down." All these things will confuse you and distract you, Just have a general understanding of how far you are willing to go, then if it happens, don't think about it, do what you need to do. Let your inner animal take over as I like to think of it. Because if a school shooter came in and started shooting up my school and killing my friends, and I get close to him. I sure as hell will bit into his neck and kill him, if necessary.
Last thing I want to mention before I finish this up, these things I say are in no means reasons to start fights or going looking for trouble just because you think you can handle it. At the end of the day the best self defense weapon is your head and your words. If you can defuse a situation with no one getting hurt, that is 100 times better than having to hurt someone. Avoid sketchy things, don't put yourself in situations where you will get attacked or hurt. Don't piss off the wrong people, don't hit on a girl whose boyfriend is a roid raged jacked 200lb man of steel. If you are smart enough, it is possible to go through life without ever having to fight, but sometimes it is inevitable, and when it is, that is when you must be ready.
Thanks to anyone who read this, haha.