Monday, August 18, 2014

Olivias FINAL post (maybe) 8/18

So I reading Savor. Almost done with it in fact. And let me tell you, hat is one of the driest books I've ever rad. I mean, It is really difficult to get thru, and I love to read. Tough, to be honest I prefer fantasy and fiction in general, and this is far from that. I don’t find the subject of food and healthy eating to be particularly engaging in the first place, but I feel that this book was almost written in such a way as to deter any but the most dedicated and diligent writers. But once I get around my feelings for this book, I can find interesting facts and tidbits in it. Little things that allow me to be able to concentrate on it, and comprehend what it’s trying to tell me. So those are my thoughts on Savor.

I also need to write about how my mending a relationship is going, so might as well do that now. I am trying to improve my relationship with my brother. Everyone tells me that I am super hard on him, and mean to him, and I’ve sometimes been able to recognize that, but mostly I just treat him without a second thought to it, just doing what I feel is natural. For this I’ve had several repercussions by my parents who don’t like me treating him like that or speaking to him in that voice. It also hurts him a lot, and makes him sometimes very wary of me. This is really bad, because though I don’t realize I’m hurting him a lot, I am. I want my treatment of him to get better, which is why I’m trying to improve my relationship with him. It is and always will be a work in progress, but I feel that over the course of the year my treatment of him has gotten significantly better.

In addition, I got to talk about my acts of kindness. I’ve been doing at least three a day, but I’ve fallen behind on logging them. It’s not that I’ve had tons of stuff happening, it’s just that I’ve been forgetting to write them down. So I’ve got to work on that. See if I can remember any and write them down, as well as writing down my current ones. But I have without fail been doing them. In fact, theres this one that Ive done every day for the entire school year. See, on a regular school day, I'm veeeery crabby in the morning. But this year, I made it a constant act of kindness to my family to be cheerful and happy in the morning. And I DID IT EVERY SINGLE MORNING. I am very proud of myself, because it also helps me exercise self control, and I appreciate anything that helps me become better at controlling myself..

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