Monday, February 24, 2014

Weekly update: Junauro

February 24, 2014

Solid week overall which began with the boys and I doing some skiing/boarding at Gunstock last Monday.  We weren’t able to get back in time to go to class but the mountain definitely gave us a good workout.  Between shoveling snow and going to work, this past week proved challenging in regards to my daily workout routine.  I was able to catchup with most of what I didn’t do this weekend and finally purchased a copy of Zen in the Martial Arts.  Very quick and interesting read with lots of great insights into finding peace within oneself through martial arts.  Read the first few chapters before Saturday’s class and focused on the first lesson, “empty your cup,” during class.  Ties into the various eastern religions I’ve dabbled with over the years.  Has anyone been able to find a copy of the second book, Mastery?  If so, please email or comment on this post with the author’s name since I haven’t been able to pin it down.  Finally, Jake and I need to raise funds for the Alabama trip and are considering doing this together.  Our plan is to do something like a Kickstarter campaign.  This will hopefully be up and running by the following week giving us a few weeks to generate interest and more importantly donations from friends and family.  That’s it for now!


  1. I believe the authors name is Stewart Emery, though I might have spelled this wrong.

