Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Jason Mai 5/6/14

Jason Mai

     Today I think I will talk about influence and how I view influence in my life. I believe it is important to surround yourself with positive people because life is better with good people around you. Having supporting friends, family, mentors etc around you can help with your life and goals, holding you responsible and encouraging you to do your best. For me, these people include my family, my script to screen teacher, sensei Paul, and some friends. Other things the people around you can do for you is make you happy. They can bring joy, connection, laughter all things related to happiness.

     Now lets talk about bad influences, bad influential people are people who take and never give back, they are people who put you down, you aren't and shouldn't be your friends. These are people you need to take away from your life, because they do you no good. I hate using those terms though, how certain people provide you with certain perks. Which leads me to my next topic.

     Angles, a term I've heard recently and I ABSOLUTELY HATE, someone recently told me that everyone has their "angle" what that means is that each person has certain perks if you play them right. A form of mind games, and I see it in certain people as well. There are people you can friend to get rides, to get free food, etc etc. There are certain ways you can play people to make them do certain things, and I hate that. However it is absolutely true, and I feel like we do it subconsciously, which is messed up. You treat that kid a certain way so he doesn't talk to you, you talk to that kid just so you can get his snack, I feel like we are in a generation where real friends are a hard thing to find, and finding one is something you should never ever take for granted. Also people change, people will use you, people will take advantage. People suck.

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