Sunday, April 27, 2014

Olivia Eburne Blog post for week of 4/13

Hey peeps! I haven’t posted in a bit, and I have no excuse other than the fact that I was swamped—first with catching up with my homework from missing school for Build-Vention (and I’m still not totally caught up.) I swear, the amount of homework I have is inhumane!
Then I had Easter preparations to attend to. Every year my mom and I make Easter hats, like the crazy ones you would find in Great Britain. Except for this year, where I opted to take the Steampunk route.

After that was Marathon Day, and at the last minute I went to watch the race with a friend. And then the same day I had to pack to go to Alabama. Again. Seriously, I should have just stayed packed. I am now currently in Alabama, having survived getting up at 3:00 a.m. in order to fly out at 6:00 am. I am running solely on adrenaline, but I did get awesome photos of the sunrise from the air!

But No More Excuses! I am posting now, and that is all that matters. I think that this post I would like to talk about the Build-Vention.
The Build-Vention was amazing. I don’t have enough space here to talk about every detail, I will have to save some for the next post. Stuff like meeting all these kind and like-minded people—I wish I could have caught every inspirational moment on film and put up a video with this post.  But I would have so much film I wouldn’t know where to start. 
Let me just say, though, that Tom Callos can really talk! We didn’t stay up listening until two a.m., like what happened last year, thank goodness, but he did get us up an hour early one day—I think in order to have more time to talk.  He was thinking ahead so we could still get to the job site on time!
Another thing is that we had mats—a whole lot of karate mats where people could grapple.  And boy, did people grapple!  There were people up till and past 10:00 pm, still grappling. I know it doesn’t sound that late, but trust me, after a taxing work day all you want to do is sleep, but there are other martial artists out there, asking you for a roll. So instead of sleeping you go and grapple for a couple of hours. It was tiring, but boy was it worth it! I learned so much by grappling with people from different styles than Revolution’s.  I know I couldn’t grapple for as long and hard as many of the people there could, that’s for sure! I mean, there were plenty of people who didn’t stop until Tom got up and turned off the lights!
After that they got up the next day at  6:00 am, already charged to work the entire day!  I don’t know how they did it.  I am a person who really needs my sleep apparently.
Anyway, it was an amazing experience, and I wish everyone could have gone.

 Note: I wrote this while I was on the road, but couldn’t post it till I got home.

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