Sunday, June 15, 2014

Unexpected things. Chelsea H.

As I checked my calendar today it made me realize how close we are to the end of this yearlong program and how many things I still need to finish. It also made me think back to the many unexpected events that have affected my family and my health, some of those times I had serious thoughts of ceasing training as well as lack of self care and maintenance of my daily exercise routine. We all made a vow not to quit, and through my various supporters I have always managed to carry on and catch up.

I still have not finished reading savor, I find it a bit boring but I'm trying to not let that stand in the way of learning from it. I guess I just need to sit down and treat it like a textbook like when I was in college and just get it over with.

I still have not confirmed a 5k to do yet but have been keeping up with my training for one.

Perseverance and tenacity are what I am learning from this journey and I thank all of my RMF mates for the constant learning opportunities.

Favorite act of kindness this week: finishing up a long awaited painting for a cousin who is a big fan of my art.

Favorite act of kindness I received this week: A friend asking me out for lunch and delightful conversation.

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