Saturday, March 8, 2014


One of the requirements for this test is to profile 3 living heroes. I spent a while thinking about who I could profile. I was watching Ellen one day with my mom, helping her fold laundry, when I thought: of course, Ellen! I have always looked up to Ellen DeGeneres, because she is so funny and so strong. She's been through a lot to get to where she is now, including tons of hate for her sexuality. Her talk show is one of the most watched in the country. And who else would have the guts to order pizza for everyone at the Oscars? She does crazy stuff like that all the time- even on her show. She's famous for being really generous to the people who come see her, and/or people who need it, so much that she's often jokingly referred to as "Ellen DeGenerous". She didn't always have that amount of money to throw around; her parents were divorced and she worked as a waitress, vacuum seller, painter, and legal secretary. She took pride in her jokes, and she got her big break on the Tonight Show. Since then, she starred in the TV series "Ellen" and now hosts a talk show, "the Ellen DeGeneres Show". What I like about her show is that she doesn't just interview celebrities and famous people, but she also takes time for people who are waiting for their big break, just like she was. She was also Dory in Finding Nemo, who is one of my favorite characters of all time. Ellen is a hero to me because she stood tall through the rough times and made it to the top, but she still genuinely helps out the people on the bottom. 

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