Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Jake's Blog Post Wednesday 3/5/14

Hello everyone, sorry for writing this a few days late. It will not happen again. I am planning on posting every Wednesday from now on.

This week I wanted to write about a few of my good deeds from the past week that stood out among the others. The first one I wanted to talk about involves my brother. Last Wednesday, my brother had what seemed like endless amounts of homework to do, and it was already around 8 o'clock. On top of his homework, he also had to collect the garbage from the trash bins around the house and put them in the garbage can in our garage. So, knowing that he most likely would've had to stay up past his bed time to collect the garbage, I decided to do it for him, so he could get his work done without having to stress over doing his chore and sacrifice some sleep.

The other good turn I did involved my injured friend at school. She had broken her ankle, and is still on crutches. However, she is making a steady recovery. Last Thursday, she had a substantial amount of books and her backpack to carry, and at the end of class no one was offering to help her carry it to her next class. I had noticed that she would not be able to get to her next class on time if someone didn't help her, so I asked her if I could carry them for her. Her classroom was on the opposite side of the school, and although it was a drag carrying the books and extra backpack, it was worth the good feeling inside of helping someone when they need it.

On another note, I'm investing my time in learning how to use HTML to design a website! Once I get the site up I'll post the link on here and you can check it out and let me know what you think!


  1. That's so cool! Do you know what you want your website to be about?

    1. Well the website will have a home page, an about us page, a page for who we are, and a section for future product like t-shirts, It's not fully operational yet but I'm making progress!
