Friday, March 7, 2014

Olivia: Gym class (3/7)

Hey all!
This is the blog for last week (I left writing it until the last minute, then I didn't have any time).

    So this week I've decided to talk about Gym class. Personally, I hate Gym class. I don't like doing anything that involves coordination in front of a random assortment of kids that I only see for an hour. Although I am generally acceptably coordinated, in gym class I feel as though I'm being watched all the time, and as a result become radically less coordinated. But that is a story for later. Today I've come to talk to you guys about Gym class and how it does absolutely nothing to improve your health. 
    One of the main points of Gym is to get kids fit and more active. But I feel that it does very little to meet that goal. Gym only meets 2-3 times a week (for my school at least), but that doesn't help kids get fit. If you want kids to get healthy, or stay healthy, than you have to be there every day, even weekends, encouraging them. Or make them practice certain exercises at home. Many kids already have this with organized sports, and don't really have a need for gym.
       Another way that gym doesn't meet its purpose is that the activities don't give you a workout. In my school we have these games that we play that are at least 5 different variations of the same game. And every single one of them is easy, and you will not be breathing hard by the end of the class.We also have ping pong. PING PONG IS NOT A WORKOUT. It sort of teaches coordination, but I find if you cant hit a small moving target in the first place, you're not going to be able to at the end of an hour either. A last sport we have is fitness walk. That is where you walk around the town in a giant clump, and get yelled at by a teacher when you walk in groups larger than three.The idea is good, "oh, yes, lets make kids walk around town! Walking is good cardio, and we will make them keep up a quick pace." But in reality all kids do is shuffle around gossiping with their friends.  It is very nice if you want to keep up with the goings on around the school, but not so nice if Gym doesn't meet its goal, which is to GET KIDS ACTIVE AND WORKING OUT! Again Ping-pong and trudging around town do not accomplish that.


1 comment:

  1. CAN I GET AN AMEN!! But seriously I totally Agree. What is the point of forcing kids into this if you won't even commit to making them exercise.
