Monday, March 3, 2014

Jason Mai 3/3/14

Jason Mai

     Today I think I will profile one of my living heroes, Eric Thomas. Eric Thomas is a motivational speaker who lived an interesting life. He dropped out of school and took 12 years to get his GED, he was homeless for a part of his life and now he dedicates his life to inspiring and motivating people to be the best they can be.
     There was a phase in my life this year where I found myself very unmotivated and didn't care about anything, I didn't feel like I was doing anything with my life, and not making the best of my time. So randomly I was on YouTube because that's what I do when I procrastinate, its horrible. I feel bad about not doing anything so instead of doing something I just go on YouTube and look up things to make me forget. So one day I stumble across a man named ET the hip hop preacher. I watched a few videos and I was hooked, I felt like my eyes were opened and I really did some searching with my life.

     Mr. Thomas talked about things that I always knew about but I needed reminding, he's a great speaker and enthusiastic about what he speaks about. He is vocal and gets his point across. Every time I watch one of his videos I take life on with a sense of purpose and that is something that is amazing. I don't know why, I am so young and probably don't understand real struggle but these videos hit me hard...maybe that is why they do...because I haven't had to struggle like some people have, yet I still feel stressed out, maybe I'm guilty that I feel this way, because I know their are people out their who have it worst yet I am still complaining. Whatever it is, Eric Thomas at the end of the day makes me take life in a more optimistic light, and reminds me of who I really am.

     Went back to classes today, crazy stuff. I might not of expressed it as much as I should have, but I really really really missed all of you guys. I was so happy to see you guys, I didn't know how to react. I wasn't sure if you guys all secretly hated me because I left for so long and ditched you guys and the mastery team. I missed the kids....seeing their faces light up, lights up my day.
     I'm going to try to go to class as much as I can but right now what is really on my mind is my movie. I finally found something I am good at and I'm really passionate about. I haven't found something like this in so long, this almost connects back to my first few paragraphs. I finally found what I love doing and I want to do it for the rest of my life. I know I am naive and still have 2 years of high school but as of right now I truly believe I could make my living off film and be in the film business. The thought of that drives me, pushes me harder each day, to edit more, to shoot more, everything. I don't want people to think I am getting soft, that I'm not coming to classes as often because I'm a slacker but I know what I am doing is right and makes me happy.

     That's another thing, I really need to stop worrying about what people think about me. For some reason I base a lot of my happiness of what people think of me, and it's unhealthy. Just as I am typing this out I am realizing. I don't need others invisible social permission. I need to make the best of myself without worrying about what people think of me, and how much they like me. I just need to be me, and the right people will like me for who I am, not some facade I put up just to hang with the "cool" kids. It's kinda weird, because sometimes when I'm with people who I'm not really friends with I feel more lonely than I would by myself...there is so much I need to discover about myself...maybe I should just take a weekend or something to meditate it out, I don't know. Shower thoughts.

     Wow journalism is sit down and really put your thoughts and experiences on paper just shows you how much you have grown as a person, how you think and I also write so much even if I try not to.

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